And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
- Matthew 10:1-7
When we read the passage above, what do we see? What is the Spirit telling us? We find here, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, calling his disciples and giving them power to heal, deliver and power over evil spirits. Here he calls them each by name, the ones who followed him and did not turn aside like many others who heard his words and could not understand his speech and walked away. Chosen with purpose. These men were handpicked and purposed for that time, that season, to walk and learn from Christ and in return, turn and share what they experienced, heard, and learned to the world. To us. Their experience makes up the gospels that we read today. They were called apostles because Jesus sent them, and they went and performed some of the same miracles they witnessed Christ performing. True disciples. They carried His message and the miracles followed them as they went to the nearby towns testifying of Jesus Christ, preaching his Gospel, the message of liberty through the revealing of the Kingdom, God was now on earth operating in those who dared to believed.
This passage also gives us another important glimpse in the wonderment of who God is. In this same passage amongst the twelve we see that Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, was mentioned in more detailed than the others here because of who he was and what he represented. His purpose for being one of the twelve was just important as the others if not more important. He was the betrayer. He was picked for that reason. Everything Jesus needed to fulfil the will of the Father he handpicked to walk close with him. He nourished him as he did the others in the spirit and gathered him close and spoke to him the mysteries of the kingdom as he did the others. He lacked nothing and was counted as one of them but he was not like others. The other eleven didn’t know it but Jesus knew it. He knew he was the one who the enemy would use, because of the heart he had. He turned on Jesus and set in motion his walk to calvary and the cross, the same one who walked with Christ as the others did and received the power of God as the others did and walked in the sign and wonders as the others did. Everything Jesus needed to complete his work, his purpose, his walk on this earth, in this world he called them and they followed him, even the one, who was the devil. His work was completed in perfection from the time of his birth to the death on the cross up until him rising from the dead on that third day. He kept the will of his Father and everything he needed to complete that will close to him at all times.
This is how it is with us. When we accept Christ as our savior, he comes in and abides in us. As He begins to take his abode in us, by the way of the Holy Ghost, we begin to slowly die to our own will making our temples totally yielded to his will. There can only be one master to a house (temple). Two masters or strong men cannot abide in the same house. We can serve one master. Two separate wills cannot be executed under the same roof. One will be stronger than the other and eventually one will over throw the other. There can only be one master. There must be one will moving and having its way in our lives. There cannot be conflict and struggle. There must be one. When we make Jesus Christ that one and we began to walk in His way and in His truth then we began to see His glory working in our lives and impacting those around us. Like we see in this passage everything you needed to fulfil his purpose, as long as you are in Christ and walking in his will, you have it with you to help you execute the purpose he has planted in you up until the end of its season. God has fashioned us like Christ. We were created in God’s image and in his likeness and once we began to walk in harmony with Him in that secret place called Eden, now known as the kingdom, we began to walk in with Him and in Him. Now Christ, through the Holy Ghost has come to step in us and live so that we can once again walk in that harmony in God as his children.
Reconciliation has brought us to that place in God through Christ that we are now the light that Christ was when he walked this earth. We are to be a light to a world that has fallen from grace so that they may see that that they need a savior so that we may guide them back to the Father as we were guided back to Him. We are his disciples. We follow after our savior. He has called us; he has chosen us to preach and demonstrate the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ as he did the disciples before us. We should not hesitate when this call is living in us and urging us to move forward in God. We should not go to God telling him that we are not ready because when we do this, we charge him in poorly equipping us. He knows what is needed to complete what he has planted in each and every one of us to do. Everything we need to complete the work; he has given to you when he came into your life, and you no longer were your own but HIS. No matter how hard life may seem in your walk with Christ understand that the good and the bad both, if they are working in your life, has only come to perform to make you strong and push you until you reach that height in God that he is calling you to. Think on what your desire in life regarding the kingdom and thank him for giving you everything you need to complete the task. God is gracious and he is the Father of all things living, seen and unseen. There is nothing he cannot do and there are no limits to Him. Trust him and believe that he is with you just as the word says, ‘Low, I am with you always, even until the end of time.’ If he said it, it is so. This is not a maybe. It is so. All that you need, the power, the strength, the joy, it all rest in you waiting for use by His kingdom.
Pick up your word and step in purpose with the Holy Ghost leading you and guiding you in the directions of when and how to execute your work for the kingdom. Let the Holy Ghost awaken what He has given you and walk in your purpose. If there is ever a time to walk and cling to your purpose this is that day and that hour. For our Father is soon to return. Let him find us working when he comes. Let him find us working and fulfilling all that he has planted in us to fulfill. Remember, if Christ is in you, you have everything you need to execute the plan he has placed in your desires to do for Him, for HIS KINGDOM.